3rd RE-BUILT Meeting
August 27th-29th, 2019, Orleans
The third RE-BUILT meeting started on August 27th, 2019, at Centre International Universitaire pour la Recherche, 1 Rue Dupanloup, Orléans. The agenda is available here.

The welcome speech was presented by Assoc. Prof. Anne de Louis, Vice-President for International Relationships, University of Orléans and the Director of the RE-BUILT project, Dr. Ancuța Rotaru.

A brief overview of the University of Orléans was made by Assoc. Prof. Anne de Louis, Vice-President for International Relationships, University of Orléans.

Assoc. Prof. Ancuta Rotaru made a presentation of the key ideas got out from the Report of the on the spot Audit carried out by the Romanian National Agency at TUIASI on May 21st, 2019.

In the afternoon, preparation, and directing of the intensive post-graduate programme for learners was made.

The second day start with a plenary session and continued with a brainstorming. In the afternoon a technical visit was organised at Chambord Castle.

The third day start with discussions regarding administrative and financial issues. A visit to laboratories of the Polytech Orléans was the last activity of the second RE-BUILT meeting.