International Conference on
Critical Thinking in Sustainable Rehabilitation and Risk Management of the Built Environment
jointly organised by
RE-BUILT Project – Erasmus+ KA2 Programme for
Higher Education Strategic Partnership
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași (TUIASI),
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services
7th – 9th November 2019
Iasi, Romania
The opening of the event will be held in Aula Magna ”Carmen Sylva” of ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, Copou University Palace, 11A Carol I Avenue, Iaşi, Romania on November 7th at 1000.
Meeting point: The Hall of Lost Steps, Copou University Palace, 11A Carol I Avenue, Iaşi, Romania where all attendees are requested to register on November 7th, 2019 from 930 to 1000.
The aim of the conference is to bring together the critical thinking of academics, researchers, designer engineers, architects, urban planners, ecologists, developers and building contractors, experts on risk assessment and management, practitioners of all areas of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Architecture and other related areas, representatives of central and local administration, representatives of national heritage conservation authority, promoters in the sustainable rehabilitation and risk management of the built environment.
Areas of interest (topics) include but are not confined to:
- Hazard Risk Mitigation for a Sustainable Built Environment;
- Sustainable Infrastructure Design and Maintenance;
- Durability of Sustainable Materials and Structures;
- Sustainable Rehabilitation in Architecture and Urban Development;
- Vulnerability, Seismic Survey and HBIM-based Structural Analysis;
- Energy Efficiency. Smart Cities;
- Transformation of the Built Environment for the Rehabilitation of Socially Disadvantaged City Districts;
- Conservation, Rehabilitation and Integration of Cultural Heritage.
One may participate as a RE-BUILT coordinator or member, an Erasmus guest at TUIASI, Faculty of Civil and Building Services, a guest speaker, a presenter of one scientific paper, a reviewer or you may chair a session.